Six Arrested in South Lakeland for Spate of Car Burglaries Targeting Firearms

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office has made significant arrests in a case involving a group of six individuals, including a 17-year-old and five adults. Their alleged crimes involve breaking into at least 38 cars in South Lakeland, with a specific intent to steal firearms for criminal gang activity.

Sheriff Grad Judd revealed that the investigation began on March 11, focusing on a series of vehicle burglaries resulting in the theft of seven firearms over three separate nights in four neighborhoods. The suspects seemed to deliberately target vehicles with owners displaying conservative, Second Amendment, or gun-related stickers. Many of the vehicles were left unlocked, and the suspects resorted to breaking windows to gain access in other cases.

This group’s criminal operation appeared highly organized, with a 17-year-old at its helm, facing a total of 75 criminal charges, including gang-related offenses. The leader, who will be prosecuted as an adult, was found in possession of a fully automatic weapon, underscoring the seriousness of the situation.

Two of the stolen firearms have been recovered by the Polk County deputies, but five remain unaccounted for. What makes this case even more alarming is that some vehicle owners opted to call Crime Stoppers rather than 911 upon discovering the burglaries, causing a delayed response.

The arrestees include a 23-year-old who played a significant role in directing criminal gang activities and coordinating the burglaries, another individual who handled the sale of stolen firearms, a driver recruited for the burglaries, and two others facing concealed weapon and contraband charges.

These arrests represent a significant breakthrough in cracking down on criminal gang activities linked to car burglaries and the illegal acquisition of firearms. The Sheriff’s Office is encouraging gun owners to keep records of their weapons to facilitate reporting in the event of theft, contributing to a safer community.

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